[EuroPython] government money, socialism et al.

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 23:27:31 +0100

Laura Creighton wrote:
> Free accomodation and conference entry is all we can offer, correct?

Right now we have no money for free accomodation, so we can't offer that,
and free conference entry needs to be discussed in the general discussion
on budget. I'd like to offer speakers *something* at least; perhaps
we can have a student rate which also applies to speakers.

But before we start handing out anything that costs actual money as 
opposed to volunteer time, I'd like to have the budget situation a lot
better than it is now. As right now it's pretty much absent; we haven't
even decided completely yet which bank account to use. We haven't decided
how to protect ourselves against the risk of going over budget, and 
in case we actually make money, we haven't decided what happens with that

I'm at a loss on how to proceed here, and some advice would be good.
Perhaps the smartest thing to do is start a special foundation to
run the conference, but I'm not sure how easy/quickly we can do that.

