[EuroPython] Ok, back

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 01:07:19 +0100

Woops, I forgot that today was valentine... luckely I could manage to buy
something... but this means I still haven't done anything on braking up the
website into parts... anyway perhaps better to talk about this first... Lets
all who want to talk, talk... :

1. Although I'm not used to ZPT, I'm in favor doing it this way... are there
people having objectives to ZPT?
2. Are there people who are used at developing CSS? If so, is it possible to
make a quick one, which can be used during development and which one
contains most thingies (but doesn't have to be final). Could it be done
before saterday? I would like to make a very preliminary thing on which we
than can build further.
3. I don't think the site has to be really eye-catching. The most important
thing is:

-all the needed must be there and it must be easely found.

4. Personally I like the Python10 site (information) and the OpenOffice
(nice simple layout) site...
5. We need to make entries for sure:

* Where it takes place, how to get there, ...
* Hotels, How to get to the congress.
* Conference Schedules
* Speakers
* News section (really needed?)
* Subscription section
* Section to send the abstracts by email?
* Sponsors
* Organisators/ Contact Persons

Mmmm... shouldn't be that hard I guess...
