[europython-volunteer-announce] Volunteers needed for Video Streaming!

Christian Scholz cs at comlounge.net
Wed Jun 4 18:19:00 CEST 2008

Hello everybody!

This year our goal is to provide a much better video coverage for the 
EuroPython conference. This means we want to stream the talks and record 
them automatically while streaming. As EuroPython is a community driven 
conference and you signed up to be a potential volunteer I am seeking 
for help to make this happen.

So here is what we need:

- Camcorders with Firewire-Connection (please tell which types of 
connections it has)
- Laptops with Firewire-Connections (PC or Mac) and mic-in.
- Tripods
- Firewire-Cables (which fits cameras and laptops
- People who control cameras (best would be more than 1 person per room 
so people are free to maybe attend different talks)
- optional: DV-Tapes if you want to record it as well
- optional: People who edit the footage afterwards (as this takes a lot 
of time it's unlikely that one person will do this on it's own in it's 

I hope that we can get sound from the soundsystem at the hotel. If not 
it would also be great to have some wireless microphones but as they are 
expensive I doubt that somebody has a bunch around?

If you have something like that and would be able to provide this for 
streaming purposes (means staying in one room) then please tell me. The 
more the better and the better will be the result in the end.

I hope to hear from many of you guys! :-)

-- Christian

Christian Scholz                         video blog: http://comlounge.tv
COM.lounge                                   blog: http://mrtopf.de/blog
Luetticher Strasse 10                                    Skype: HerrTopf
52064 Aachen                              Homepage: http://comlounge.net
Tel: +49 241 400 730 0                           E-Mail cs at comlounge.net
Fax: +49 241 979 00 850                               IRC: MrTopf, Tao_T

connect with me: http://mrtopf.de/connect

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