[EuroPython-Announce] We are migrating the EuroPython Announce channel!

EuroPython News news at europython.eu
Thu Jan 20 07:14:07 EST 2022

Hello fellow pythonistas,

New year, new EuroPython updates! As part of an effort to reduce
communication channels and focus on improving the quality, we are migrating
the announcement channel on 27 Jan 2022 from this mailing list to our
newsletter linked to the EuroPython blog: https://blog.europython.eu.

We will have a monthly newsletter with updates on the EuroPython conference
and Society, cool events and projects around our community. Closer to the
conference, we would send out a few more conference related emails.

If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter and conference updates, you
do not need to do anything. We will add your name and email as a member on
our EuroPython blog <https://blog.europython.eu>, so any updates would be
delivered to your inbox as usual.

If you do not wish to receive the newsletter emails from us, please unsubscribe
by Wednesday 26 Jan 2022 23:59 CET from this europython-announcement
mailing list: https://mail.python.org/mailman/options/europython-announce

Feel free to reply with any questions you might have. We are very excited
about bringing you more quality news and building the community together
with you all!

Kind regards,

EuroPython Communication Team
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