[Email-SIG] FW: [Python-ideas] Standard library high level support for email messages

Daniel Reis dreis.pt at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 4 10:39:51 CET 2013


> > > PS: what is pyzlib?  It sounds like a wrapper for zlib, which is what
> > > I get when I google for it.

Got it: it's one of the top results if you search for "mail" in PyPi:

> Well, I'd prefer to avoid that at this stage, and leave those
> considerations for a later stage.  This is because that would lock us in
> to a particular, relatively complex API.  It would probably be better to
> leave that as a non-stdlib wrapper class for now, as we make the email
> library more and more complete so that such wrappers become simpler and
> simpler, until it becomes clear if/where to add it to the library.

This wrapper is really needed.
Or at the very least. the examples in the Python docs should provide a complete example on generating an e-mail with text/html alternate parts plus attachments. They don't.

I found a very good for-dummies reference and implementation here:
(PS: just found out that it's author, Alain Spineux, is the author of pyzmail ...)

As an example, buiding an email looks like this:

    (my_utext.encode('iso-8859-1'), 'iso-8859-1'), 
    (my_html, 'us-ascii'), 
> So, right now the most helpful thing would be reviewing bugs (tagged
> 'email' in the tracker) and fixes.  Alternatively you could take a look
> at how I/we have done the header_factory in the new code, and think
> about what the corresponding message_factory would look like.  That will
> be the thing that will make managing attachments easier, and is what I
> plan to work on after finishing the list above.

Most of this is not very related to my current work and skill set. So unfortunately I'm afraid I wouldn't be much help. 
Maybe I could help improve the docs to add the more complete email usage example, but would most certainly be at the expense of Alain Spineux's work ...

Daniel Reis

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