[Email-SIG] email6 project funding and GSoC

R. David Murray rdmurray at bitdance.com
Sat Apr 10 17:48:59 CEST 2010

The PSF gave me seed funding for the email6 work, which allowed me to
get the project started.  They offered "fiscal sponsorship' so that I
could seek additional funding for the reminder of the project.  However,
email6 is going to be a pilot project for the fiscal sponsorship setup,
and getting all the lawerly ducks in a row is taking time.  So while I
am able to spend some further time on the project now, it isn't nearly
as much as I'd hoped to be spending.

It occurred to me that one way to get further work done on the project
might be to leverage the time I do have available by using it to mentor
a GSoC student in doing some of the work.  I therefore proposed email6
as a GSoC project [1].  A student who expressed interest has put in
what I hope is a pretty solid proposal (with some guidance from me as
to scope and deliverables).  He understands, of course, that there's
no guarantee his work will end up in the code base, though we both
have high hopes that it will.

His name is Shashwat Anand (irc/tracker nick l0nwlf), and I expect he
has either already signed up to this list or will soon.  He started
engaging with the python-dev community through the Python bug tracker
before he decided to submit a proposal for email6, and has submitted
some issue reviews and small patches.  He is very enthusiastic, and has
indicated he'd like to help with email6 development whether or not his
GSoC proposal is accepted.

R. David Murray                                      www.bitdance.com

[1] http://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/email6

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