[Email-SIG] Generating zipped or gzipped attachment with email package?

Oleg Broytmann phd at phd.pp.ru
Thu May 21 20:17:23 CEST 2009

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 01:08:07PM -0500, skip at pobox.com wrote:
>     Oleg>    Sorry, it is for web. So it seems you need
>     Oleg> Content-Type: application/x-gzip
> Alas, then I lose the notion that the file is actually text/csv.  For
> example, how would Outlook or Thunderbird know to open such a file in Excel
> or OpenOffice Calc?

   I think it unzips and then guesses the filetype of the unzipped file.
Guessing is a widely deploying trick in software, alas.
   Web headers are better in this regard as there are separate
Content-Type and Content-Encoding headers. In email, there is a
Content-Transfer-Encoding header but it has a different meaning - it is
either 8bit, or base64, or quoted-printable - it's the transfer encoding
*after* the file has been (g)zipped.

     Oleg Broytmann            http://phd.pp.ru/            phd at phd.pp.ru
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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