From draghuram at Mon Jun 11 20:54:38 2007 From: draghuram at (Raghuram Devarakonda) Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 14:54:38 -0400 Subject: [Email-SIG] deprecation of multifile Message-ID: <> Hi, I am trying to remove the usage of "multifile" from stdlib as it is deprecated. Please see the following python-dev thread in this regard: The only place it is used is in as follows: -------- mf = multifile.MultiFile(self.fp) mf.push(bdry) parts = [] while n = "%s.%r" % (self.number, 1 + len(parts)) part = SubMessage(self.folder, n, mf) parts.append(part) mf.pop() --------- As can be seen, multifile is being used purely as file splitting entity without having to do anything with email. It appears that replacing this usage with something from email package is not straightforward. One approach as suggested by Barry is (I hope Barry doesn't mind my verbatim copying of his suggestion): "If the message in self.fp has an existing Content-Type header with bdry as the boundary, then you can just parse the message and use Message.walk() to iterate over the subparts. Basically, you'd wrap the str() of each subpart in a cStringIO to get file-like semantics." I think that it is better to not deprecate multifile rather than make non-trivial changes. We can still explicitly mention in the multifile doc that "for email related usage, email package should be used". I am posting this to see if someone has a better idea of replacing multifile usage from or if some one has any objections to not deprecating multifile. Thanks, Raghu