[Email-SIG] Maybe a bug, maybe not

Tony Meyer t-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu May 13 19:12:24 EDT 2004

> > This change seems to fix the problem. I fed a mailbox with 
> > several of these messages to spambayes and they were parsed
> > OK and flagged as spam as expected.

FWIW, SpamBayes handles this particular problem (outside the email package)
with versions:

  * 1.0rc1 (sb_filter, maybe sb_mboxtrain?)
  * 1.0rc2/1.0 (sb_server/sb_imapfilter/sb_pop3dnd)

After SpamBayes 1.0, and once Python 2.4a1 is out (i.e. the middle of the
year), I'll try and patch SpamBayes so that it uses FeedParser if email 3.0
is available (and falls back to current behaviour for those using 2.2 or

=Tony Meyer

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