[Email-SIG] bug possibility

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Apr 21 16:21:50 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 15:42, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> given the following message (shell script for generating message 
> available on request)

Please submit a SF bug report, assign that to me and attach the message
generation script to the report.  Send a follow up here with the bug

I can't promise when I'm going to have time to look at this, but at
least that way, it won't get buried in the avalanche which is my inbox.

FWIW, I do still plan on getting email 3.0 into Python 2.4.  My oldest
clone is learning how to feed itself right now, so it won't be long
until they are ready to start helping me hack.


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