[Edu-sig] Two new projects of potential interest

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Fri May 10 18:49:38 EDT 2019

Hello everyone,

For the past few weeks I have been working on two projects that may
potentially be of interest to you.

The first project is called friendly-traceback. I assume that, at one point
or another, everyone on this list has taught beginners who were totally
confused by Python tracebacks.  Friendly-traceback aims to greatly reduce
this confusion.  As a bonus for international users, friendly-traceback has
been designed from the start to be translatable; currently, only two
languages are supported (English and French).  There is much more to be
done, but it is usable right now. You can find the documentation at

Friendly-traceback has been carved out of a larger project named AvantPy.
For English speakers, AvantPy can be thought of as standard Python +
friendly-traceback  + a few additional keywords that aim to reduce
(slightly) the learning curve for some concepts.  For non-English speakers,
AvantPy makes it possible to run a "Python dialect" where Python's keywords
are replaced by keywords written in a different language; currently there
is a French and a Spanish version, both in draft forms.  You can find the
documentation at https://aroberge.github.io/avantpy/docs/html/index.html

Both project are usable *right now*, even though they are admittedly

I would very much appreciate it if you could have a look at them, either
just by reading the documentation or, even better, by trying to run the
code, and give me some feedback. Of course, if you want to do more than
simply give feedback and actually want to contribute some code samples or
additional translations, that would certainly be welcome as well! :-)

Pythonically yours,

André Roberge
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