[Edu-sig] What do folks think of creating a #python-k12 channel on freenode?

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Fri May 11 12:38:03 EDT 2018

>>  Would anyone else here have an interest in such a channel?

I'm game.

Wondering if irc has a good Android app front end these days.  Oh yeah,

Limechat is free client on Mac.

Lotta folks using #Slack these days which allows embedding pix, going back
to edit posts.

But maybe need free and open enuff, philosophically less apropos?

#Slack is free (as in beer) but not open (as in free).

edu-sig / mail-list format good for pondering out loud though.

I always encourage more public archiving of state of the art thinking.

I think of chat as more for real time quick back and forth, which is good,
but not for white papers and policy writing, or lengthy rants. :-D


On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 2:15 PM, Jeff Elkner <jeff at elkner.net> wrote:

> Dear edu-sig friends,
> We had an interesting discussion at the Education Summit today at
> Pycon about ways to better engage folks between Pycons.
> As a public school teacher, I have a particular interest in python in
> k12 institutions, and in addition to posting more often on this list,
> I am considering setting up an irc channel on freenode (#python-k12 ?)
> Would anyone else here have an interest in such a channel?
> Jeff Elkner
> Let's work together to create a just and sustainable world!
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