[Edu-sig] On the Education Summit at Pycon

Sergio Rojas sergio_r at mail.com
Mon Jun 11 09:35:23 EDT 2018

On 10/05/18 16:15, Jeff Elkner wrote:
> Dear edu-sig friends,
> We had an interesting discussion at the Education Summit today at
> Pycon about ways to better engage folks between Pycons.

Hi Jeff,

  Are the documents of the Pycon Education Summit available on the Internet?
> As a public school teacher, I have a particular interest in python in
> k12 institutions

  How are you using Python in teaching and learning? 

  I finished a first crude draft of a book devoted mostly to Mathematics
   (Prealgebra topics ) via Python
  https://github.com/rojassergio/Prealgebra-via-Python-Programming )
  which I want to improve (in content and readability)
  and perhaps the discussions of the Educational Summit
  could be of help to better shape the book on the content of topics.




Message: 1
Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 17:15:28 -0400
From: Jeff Elkner <jeff at elkner.net>
To: "edu-sig at python.org" <edu-sig at python.org>
Subject: [Edu-sig] What do folks think of creating a #python-k12
channel on freenode?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear edu-sig friends,

We had an interesting discussion at the Education Summit today at
Pycon about ways to better engage folks between Pycons.

As a public school teacher, I have a particular interest in python in
k12 institutions, and in addition to posting more often on this list,
I am considering setting up an irc channel on freenode (#python-k12 ?)

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