[Edu-sig] Young Coders teacher needed at PyCon US

Dominik George nik at naturalnet.de
Thu Mar 9 02:59:08 EST 2017


>Is there a teacher in the house?  Python's flagship conference needs an

I'm head of Teckids e.V.[1], a German youth organisation running holiday camps with Python and other workshops.

We have adult instructors, but we also do have tutors between 10 and 16 years who regularly run workshops for others their age.

Besides, we are creating Veripeditus[2], the new Free AR Game Framework that allows learning Python while creating augmented reality smartphone games.

Eike[3] and I have been thinking about applying for the PyCon opening, but there are a few blocking issues (Eike missing school, me fearing the US dictatorship,...).

We will think a bit more about it within the next week :).


[1] https://www.teckids.org
[2] https://github.com/Veripeditus/veripeditus-server
[3] https://video.fosdem.org/2017/K.1.105/veripeditus.vp8.webm

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