[Edu-sig] mixed messages about math...

A. Jorge Garcia calcpage at aol.com
Fri Aug 5 23:44:45 EDT 2016

Kirby, as usual you hit the nail right on its proverbial head!
When I started teaching in the 1980s, student enrolments and math positions were on the decline.
I had to find a new position every year for the first 5 years as a Math Teacher.
As such, I saw how several schools handed CS curriculae.
Invariably, at least in NYS, it was the Math Dept that taught CS. 
And Math Teachers encouraged students to program.
In the mid 1970s and early 1980s it was BASIC on an IBM PC.  
Then APCS started in 1984. 
In the 1990s it was TI-BASIC on a Graphing Calculator too!
However, nowadays, most Math Teachers don't have the background or the interest or the time to do so.
It's a very sad state of affairs if you ask me!

A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math, Physics & CS
2015 NYS Secondary Math http://PAEMST.org Nominee

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