[Edu-sig] Reeborg news

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 13:58:02 CET 2014

Testers wanted!

There is now a major update of the Python version of Reeborg's world, still
available at the same link I quoted before. A few major things missing:
actual Python lessons, the help window and a graphical world builder.  So,
you have to refer to the default javascript version to see what commands
are actually available.

Reeborg's world is intended as a replacement for both rur-ple (which I
wrote) and possibly rurple NG (written by Paul Crowley as he aimed to
remove some perceived warts in the original), with significant additional

If you are using rurple or rurple ng in a teaching environment  (or even
possibly Guido van Robot), and would like to influence Reeborg's world
development so that it is even better than the predecessors, please feel
free to contact me directly.


P.S. to use the "library" in the new Python version, its actual name when
called from a program is simply "lib"; it is not loaded automatically.  You
know how to do the rest.   (However, do not include comments on that line.)

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at gmail.com>wrote:

> The long-time subscribers to this list may remember RUR-PLE (
> https://code.google.com/p/rur-ple/), a Karel-the-robot clone using Python
> that I wrote.  The robot's name in my version is Reeborg, hence the title
> of this post.
> Since the last version was produced in 2009, RUR-PLE had been downloaded
> more than 11,000 times.  Since people that download it do not need to
> contact me to do so, it is only through serependity that I find out where
> it is used.  I know that it has been used by elementary school children in
> Austria, by high school children in New Jersey and by university students
> in the U.S. and Latin America as a tool to introduce Python.
> Recently, Samsung contacted me and got my permission to produce a book
> based on RUR-PLE. They distributed free copies of this book yesterday to
> something like 1000 Korean students.  (I will likely post pictures of the
> book on my blog when I get a copy.)
> So what you say?....
> I am happy to announce that a test-version of "Reeborg's world" is now
> available online as a tool to learn Python.   It is free to use and does
> not require registration.
> The first version of Reeborg's world was produced to teach Javascript; it
> is the default version available from http://reeborg.ca.    It includes
> some 98 lessons and can be found directly at
> http://reeborg.ca/learn_js.html
> I'm working on an "improved" version which can be found at
> http://reeborg.ca/learn_js_dev.html#welcome
> Following some comments by early adopters, the UI of this version is
> improved slightly and more changes are planned, including a graphical world
> builder, new images for the robot, the option to import from file and save
> to file  programs and worlds, etc.
> The proof-of-concept Python version can be found at
> http://reeborg.ca/learn_py_test.html
> It is based on the "improved" version. I do not plan to do more work on it
> (including adapting the lessons to teach Python instead of Javascript)
> until I have nailed down the "improved" Javascript version.
> If you want to quickly try the Python version to see what it can do, I
> suggest you select (from the drop down menu showing "Alone" by default) the
> world "Tokens 1" and run the following program:
> move()
> take()
> move()
> put()
> move()
> I welcome any comments & suggestions about Reeborg's world; please feel
> free to email me directly.
> This time, I will probably include a page on the site where I will ask
> teachers that use it to communicate with me to let me know in what context
> they use it, and keep track of it on a "wall of fame".
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