[Edu-sig] Recommendation for editor+console or IDE for teaching beginners

memilanuk memilanuk at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 06:01:56 CET 2014

Not a teacher here... but you might look @ Anaconda 
(http://continuum.io/downloads).  Easy to download and install as a 
user, without requiring any kind of sysadmin privileges, on Windows, Mac 
and Linux.  The full install may be overkill for what you need... but it 
comes with Spyder already as part of the package, and the installation 
is pretty simple across all three platforms.  I don't think it has 
pygame as part of the base package... but if you can't get it from the 
anaconda repos using conda, you can still use pip to get it the 'old 
fashiond' way.


Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com

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