[Edu-sig] CS + theater

Philip Guo pg at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Apr 5 19:39:19 CEST 2012

Agreed that finding more synergies (pardon my business-speak) between
computing and the liberal arts can be wonderful.  Reminds me a bit of
Computing for Poets:


On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 10:16 AM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:

> As I was telling my younger daughter during the ride to school today
> (she's a senior in high school, though already 20% professor and 22%
> your boss), a huge missed opportunity (so far) is the hybrid of
> theater and computer science.
> My older step daughter majored - minored in something like that, but
> the college wasn't really doing the work to marry the two, she was.
> Like with television, the computer comes with a "back stage" where we
> craft a user experience (e.g. web site) -- like museum exhibit design
> (interactive), like department store design (people behind counters,
> customer service, help desk).**
> The code is about animating agents and actors (how the systems people
> talk).  In popular culture, this way of thinking was vastly aided and
> abetted by 'The Matrix', wherein the idea was we live inside a
> computer program built for us by computer viruses of extraterrestrial
> origin.
> Anyway, I think as the media continue to cross-fertilize, we'll be
> getting back to theater more and more, as a core institution in both
> east and west, and as a logical partner for the CS department /
> compartment / pod.
> Kirby
> ** museum exhibit design:  http://samgreen.to/blog/
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