[Edu-sig] learning algorithms

Massimo Di Pierro mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu
Fri Nov 18 22:33:26 CET 2011

This is a bit of an old project of mine


but it includes most of the algorithms covered in a typical college  
level course on Algorithms.
The python source of the actual algorithms is here:

The notes are here:

The rest of the code is designed to animate the algorithms.


On Nov 18, 2011, at 2:31 PM, roberto wrote:

> I have to help a teenager who's fond of computer science.
> He told me he wants to learn "the tough algorithms out there". Of
> course, nobody helps him at school.
> I'd like to know some resources to guide him from the very basics of
> programming to as far as he can at the moment.
> Since python is my first choice, personally speaking, can you give me
> some suggestion about a step-by-step introduction to algorithms ?
> Thank you !
> -- 
> roberto
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