[Edu-sig] Happy New Year 2011!!!

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 01:12:15 CET 2011

Fantastic.  Maybe he'll do something around Python someday.

His sister did a wonderful job with the vocals.

Speaking of Python, I noticed how Vi got some Python references in,
not just in drawing the snakes, but in showing a tiny fragment of the
language.  open( ).


She also said "snakes on a plane" which reminds me of this xkcd cartoon:


Vi also got into the uroborus quite a bit, which is a pet topic for me as well:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/17157315@N00/5314179162/  **


**:  If you're into exotic cars at all, to the right in the same
photostream are some only recently published pictures of Car #4
(Dymaxion fleet).

(complete slides from which the above is listed:
http://www.4dsolutions.net/presentations/connectingthedots.pdf   ).

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 2:40 PM, A. Jorge Garcia <calcpage at aol.com> wrote:
> Hi Kirby,
> Glad you liked that YouTube!  Yes, that is one of my AP Calculus BC
> students.  He is one of those rare very well-rounded students.  In other
> words, he's not just good at math and science, he's good at everything!
> He's our valedictorian this year and he was the lead in our school play.  He
> and his sister are very musically inclined as you can tell in the video.  He
> came up with the lyrics and played the piano while his sister sang in that
> YouTube.  He also did all the video editing and sound recording, etc.
> Regards,
> A. Jorge Garcia
> Applied Math and CompSci
> http://shadowfaxrant.blogspot.com
> http://www.youtube.com/calcpage2009

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