[Edu-sig] mac python graphics

Andrew Harrington aharrin at luc.edu
Wed Dec 7 18:45:50 CET 2011

I just got my first Mac.  I know issues with Mac graphics have been
discussed before, but I'm not sure what is relevant with OSX Lion.

With the active state Tcl and the standard python.org python and idle
appears fine.
Still if I try running a Zelle graphic program inside or outside idle I get
a freeze.

The massive installation through MacPorts, that uses X11 for graphics makes
my Zelle graphics library Tk based programs  work fine, but the X11 version
of Idle has many of the common keyboard shortcuts not working, and is
(intensionally) not the standard Apple menu setup.

What am I missing?

Dr. Andrew N. Harrington
  Computer Science Department
  Loyola University Chicago
Lakeshore office in the Math Department: 205 Loyola Hall
Phone: 773-915-7999
Fax:    312-915-7998
aharrin at luc.edu
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