[Edu-sig] programming skills and IQ tests..

Jurgis Pralgauskis jurgis.pralgauskis at gmail.com
Wed May 5 23:08:24 CEST 2010


I think one of best ways to teach programming is with examples (of
course with a bit of theory explanation).
I'd like to test my students' general ability to undersnand examples.
Because I am confused, is it my fault or their laziness, or sth else,
that some of them (nearly 30%) understnand nearly nothig what they were taught.

Main question of email:
Does anyone know freely distributable DB of such IQ quiz questions --
preferrably mostly graphical, like
http://iq-test.co.uk/iq-test/ or so

I think it could come in handy for others (mathematics here as well)...

I also hope, one can  train the attention/concentration with IQ tests
-- which is verty important skill in understanding examples.

Thanks in advance
Jurgis Pralgauskis
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