[Edu-sig] Python for Informatics (based on Think Python) featured on the Creative Commons Blog

csev csev at umich.edu
Sat Feb 6 14:56:17 CET 2010

On Feb 5, 2010, at 9:31 PM, kirby urner wrote:

> What I'm not seeing here is any plans to venture into user-defined types
> i.e. rolling your own classes.

I am indeed tempted into user-defined types.  I actually teach OO Python in my App Engine course because it is necessary there.  And Think Python has a nice chapter.  But my problem is find a use case that drives me there in "exploring data" - I see using objects all over the place - but making your own does not yet feel part of the data narrative.

> That's maybe a line you draw between professional programmers and
> people who need to use computers a lot?

Right - and the other fun idea is that if "Python for Informatics" is the first book, then "Think Python" is the second book.   In a second book (which feels very similar to the first book) you learn how all this stuff "works".

I see in my crazy brain - a whole series of "Think Python" based books that feed into one another, all open content, and CC-BY-SA licensed all sharing basic text where needed. 

Pure Intro books:

Learning Math with Python
Exploring Data with Python
... ???

The middle book:

Think like a Computer Scientist in Python

The More advanced books:

Web Programming in Python
Game Programming in Python
Building Graphical Tools with Python

The key is that the books could specialize on their topics and not over-teach in any of the books.  I know for example that you like to bring OO in for math - I don't think that is necessary (we can debate this forever :) ).  I would like to see a Python for math that actually taught Math - not teaching Python though math.  They can learn Python in the second course with "Think Python"

> The text reads like a gentle on-ramp to "core Python" at the moment,
> i.e. it's a very clear step by step intro.  So my prejudice as a reader
> is to think defining classes is just around the corner.

Yes - it would be the next chapter.

> I think there's a big "aha!" in Python when you've been using
> dot notation to access the methods of built-in types, e.g. strings,
> and then start to see how you're just hitting against pre-supplied
> class definitions.

Yes - and I love this - but the timing in the narrative must be right.  It cannot be a trap door - as much as we like it.  I have found in my App Engine course if I teach OO one week too early, I lose the students.   The pattern I now use successfully in my App Engine course is to make them use a real object with self and everything:

class LogoutHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):

And the *next week* teach them classes - just using strings and dictionaries does not produce sufficient curiosity to learn classes.   A rich extension example with good pictures is the right preparation for a intro to classes - particularly if I keep saying "This syntax is a little new and we will explain it next week - just use it for now." instead of saying - "You must learn this now even though it is painful because next week we will be assuming this as a pre-requisite skill".

> Given how some of the library stuff involved with screen scraping
> might involve subclassing, maybe you're thinking to work it in under
> networked applications or one of those i.e. you have your wily ways.

Really?  Send me an example - I will work it in.  My thought for that chapter was to hack it as strings - where should I look for a better example?  I ma not an expert on this stuff and learn new things all the time.  Part of the fun of remixing Thin Python was learning a few new tricks along the way from Allen and Jeff.


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