[Edu-sig] [ANNC] pynguin-0.7 (python turtle graphics application)

Lee Harr missive at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 13 02:44:59 CEST 2010

>> Pynguin is a python-based turtle graphics application.
>>     It combines an editor, interactive interpreter, and
>>     graphics display area.
> I like the idea of using turtles to plot graphs. Replacing graphing
> calculators with Python is easier when there are simple plot functions
> available (yes, I know about matplotlib, Sage...)

It works pretty well for simple things. More of a test of what's possible
than something especially useful.

I tend to use kmplot or kalgebra when I see kids struggling with their
graphing calculators. I think graphing calculators are pretty lame.

kmplot and kalgebra are pretty awesome:

> Curious how much of the Standard Library turtle model gets used here.

I don't import turtle.py if that's what you mean.

> Is the turtle stuff all rewritten from scratch.

I looked at turtle.py when starting out, but even though it says pretty clearly:
>From here up to line    : Tkinter - Interface for turtle.py
May be replaced by an interface to some different graphics toolkit
I wasn't sure I could get it to behave the way I wanted.

I did look at it for some API ideas. It would be cool if scripts written for
turtle.py could run unchanged in pynguin. Maybe I will go through and
add compatibility functions for things where I chose different names
for the APIs.

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