[Edu-sig] Call to Action (PyCon)

Vern Ceder vceder at canterburyschool.org
Thu Nov 12 19:14:48 CET 2009

Hi everyone,

This is a call for help on a couple of fronts.

First of all, I could really use your help in promoting the poster 
session at PyCon. The nature of posters make them a good fit for both 
Python educators and their students. Undergrads and graduate students 
(and teachers) can use them as a way to get conference presentation 
experience and recognition, and virtual posters let students and 
teachers at any level get in on the fun, even if they can't come to 

So please, promote, blog, etc the poster session to your friends and 
colleagues as much as you can. Again, all information is at 
http://us.pycon.org/2010/conference/posters/ and don't hesitate to email 
me if you have any questions. If you have contacts that you think would 
be more responsive to a semi-official announcement/invitation/groveling 
plea from me, please send me their contact info and I'll get something 
to them.

Secondly, we have the chance to put our stamp on PyCon. It wouldn't take 
that much to move our unofficial BoF to being a regular education 
"summit" and standard feature of PyCon. What it *would* take is someone 
to own the job of basic planning and outreach to the Python in Ed 
community, particularly those within easy attendance range of Atlanta. 
If anyone is willing to do that, but either can't attend PyCon or feels 
uncomfortable moderating the actual event, I'd be willing to be an 
on-site figurehead of last resort. ;)

Given that the southeast includes so many excellent schools at all 
levels, it could be a great time to turn up our outreach, and it would 
demonstrate that Edu-Sig is one of the leading communities (which I 
happen to believe) within the greater Python community.

So please consider taking this on. And please help plug the poster 
session - it would be great to have a strong education presence as we 
add posters to PyCon.


This time for sure!
    -Bullwinkle J. Moose
Vern Ceder, Director of Technology
Canterbury School, 3210 Smith Road, Ft Wayne, IN 46804
vceder at canterburyschool.org; 260-436-0746; FAX: 260-436-5137

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