[Edu-sig] PyCon dinner, meeting

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 17:44:38 CET 2009

Thank you, I'm completely for doing this, speaking for myself (not even staff).

My problem is I'm too spacey to visit the conference website except
really close to the time (like when I'm there already), and it's not
like I don't check websites (Ian, one of the MVPs coming to help our
committee is at the nama.org.uk conference, and I've been studying
that one, noticing how Texas Instruments has "infiltrated" there too
(likewise Pycon last year -- we have a friendly rivalry in that they
know that I know that they know we're competing for hearts and minds
in some ways (hoping they'll join in our BOF))).

TI guy from last year:


2009/3/22 Andrew Harrington <aharrin at luc.edu>:
> For Pycon I posted dinner/meeting suggesting some time ago at the BoF site
> http://us.pycon.org/2009/openspace/EduSig/
> I see no responses.  It occurs to me that may be because I did not echo it
> here!
> I have a reservation for 10 at Maria's Mexican Restaurant, Friday 6:45PM,
> 9440 W Foster Ave.
> Attenders for Friday dinner: Andy Harrington, ???
> This is not to rule out an alternative! A show-stopping issue in the past
> was having a big group and trying to make an arrangement at the last minute
> on the weekend, so I planned ahead. We have done it Saturday night before,
> partly because we had nothing set up to clearly direct people to. I
> personally would prefer Friday night dinner and gathering afterward, and
> have more time to follow up with folks later.
> Maria's is about 600 yards south of the hotel - easy walking distance.
> Inexpensive restaurant, mixed reviews, but local! I guessed 10 people.
> Please add your name so I can get a better count, or suggest something
> different!
> The night and place can be changed, but I strongly suggest an advanced plan
> so we are not futzing around rather than sitting and enjoying our brief
> chance for each other's company.
> I suggest we reserve Open Space at the conference site, starting about
> 8:30PM Friday, assuming a 6:45 local dinner.
> Andy
> --
> Andrew N. Harrington
>  Director of Academic Programs
>  Computer Science Department
>  Loyola University Chicago
>  512B Lewis Towers (office)
>  Snail mail to Lewis Towers 416
>  820 North Michigan Avenue
>  Chicago, Illinois 60611
> http://www.cs.luc.edu/~anh
> Phone: 312-915-7982
> Fax:    312-915-7998
> gpd at cs.luc.edu for graduate administration
> upd at cs.luc.edu for undergrad administration
> aharrin at luc.edu as professor
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