[Edu-sig] some success

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 15:44:55 CEST 2008

2008/9/12 michel paul <mpaul213 at gmail.com>:

<< SNIP >>

> What I want the kids and colleagues and administration to understand is that
> this is not something on top of the algebra, this IS algebra!  It's algebra
> that RUNS.  It's 21st century algebra.
> Some are getting it, and I'm glad to see that.  But many still don't.
> Unfortunately, these others aren't just students.
> It's a weird balance.  It splits in weird ways through the groups of
> students, colleagues, administrators.
> - Michel

Great work Michel, you're definitely on the frontier.

Future shock may be shocking sometimes, however these students will
have more opportunities than their peers down the road.

Also, some students are apprehensive no matter what, even with only
traditional pre-computer stuff happening i.e. there's always
performance anxiety (in my experience anyway), goes with the territory
(or learning new things).

I look forward to more reports from the field.


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