[Edu-sig] Ditch "self"?

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 16:50:47 CEST 2007

> I know you posted similar things in your interactions here with Art, but I
> personally hope you continue to post your interesting thoughts on edusig,


I also told Art I thought edu-sig was becoming a distraction for me (something
I left off from a recent quote).

I'm ambivalent enough to want to unsubscribe I guess.  Art is gone, no one
to talk to really, a lot of me just talking to myself seems like.

Bye then.

I'll be checking the archives.  Might come back later, if I see the point.

I'm very in to OLPC by the way, much more so than when you last were
prolific on this list.  Know Ken Brown up near Calgary?  Lots of action
in the Silicon Forest (not just XO stuff).

My think tank in PDX (wwwanderers.org -- yeah, website out of date,
not dear Nirel's fault) knows my agenda as follows:

OLPC -- focusing on CARE / Darfur these days, reality TV
P4E -- inherits from CP4E, still quite Pythonic though not exclusively so
HP4E -- hexapents for everybody (Bucky a big influence, and Glenn Stockton)
FPP -- First Person Physics (Bob Fuller, Karplus, discovery learning).

Regarding Arthur and Pygeo, I've come a long way towards appreciating
Klein in the context of Paul Laffoley's art:


More on *all* of this stuff in me blogs, yar!

See ya!


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