[Edu-sig] Wrapping functions in a Function class

Andrew Harrington aharrin at luc.edu
Wed Dec 12 17:35:23 CET 2007

Nice wrapper class Kirby!
One thought:  multiplying functions is another operation.  I would
tend to reserve '*' for that, or you will be confusing of limited.
Since the raised circle is not a python operator, it appears you need
to use a different, nonstandard composition symbol.  Perhaps '%' (it
has a raise circle as part of it :-) ).  Then have the Function class
do the basic arithmetic operations *and* composition.

On Dec 11, 2007 8:24 PM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Got a green light for my talk @ Pycon, meaning I'll be doing a quick
> run through some group theory stuff, as we teach pre-college in our
> prototype Pythonic Math Class of the Future (what the talk is about).
> Here's a pertainent link:
> http://mail.geneseo.edu/pipermail/math-thinking-l/2007-November/001211.html
> Note this idiom of using a decorator to wrap a function as a class
> object, with __call__ made to pass through an argument for evaluation
> (like it were still just a regular function) and __mul__ made to make
> functions "composable" i.e. "objects that multiply" (our motive for
> wrapping functions within objects in the first place i.e. to make use
> of Python's special names, __mul__ in particular).
> Kirby
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Andrew N. Harrington
  Director of Academic Programs
  Computer Science Department
  Loyola University Chicago
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