[Edu-sig] The fate of raw_input() in Python 3000

Peter Bowyer peter at mapledesign.co.uk
Wed Sep 13 10:16:30 CEST 2006

[send this to Kirby rather than the list...]

At 22:27 08/09/2006, Kirby Urner wrote:
>Just to clarify:  I think it *is* condescending to newbies to force
>them through a lot of raw_input scripts, since this is:

I felt exactly the same when I took the introductory programming 
course for scientists.  DOS prompts with odd calculations popping up 
(this was using C).  Looking back, the problem wasn't the raw_input 
style, but because *there was no progression*.  The teaching material 
did not link everything together so that at the end of the 10 week 
course you had a large application which you'd built on every 
week.  Instead you had a pile of useless scripts all totally separate 
giving no idea that software you could write might be useful rather 
than just boring.


Maple Design - quality web design and programming

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