[Edu-sig] The fate of raw_input() in Python 3000

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Sat Sep 9 22:06:23 CEST 2006

Arthur wrote:

>kirby urner wrote:
>>import math
>>math.cos( 90 * math.degrees)
>>-- that's what a first class might include.  If what stops 'em isn't
>>the Python syntax, but the trig, then we go over the trig.  Basic
>>numeracy.  All as a bundle.  Not your grandfathers math class (but
>>some hoped it'd be for their kids -- remember when the future was,
>>well, futuristic?)
>I am convinced that the problem is that you have engaged the wrong 
Another way to put it is that I see you as a victim.

The substance of "your" ideas, I think you know at some level, are 
almost apparent to many of us who are literate in ways similar to the 
ways that you are literate - and whether or not we happen to be mentored 
by Buckminster Fuller.

Computers come into to play  - everyone is ready for that. Your 
grandmother, my great uncle, everyone's Aunt Tillie.  Big deal.

Stripped of the rhetorical flourishes, what is being suggested is a 
sensible, logical next step - no radical departure from existing 
practices and standards. 

Marginal and necessary improvement to what now exists.

What others are offering is what America *really* loves. A Potion.  The 
quick  fix.  The eat 'til it hurts diet plan.

And that is why you fear being bypassed, left in the dust.  And why you 
think you need the costuming.

We are, of course, all heros. 

I go mano vs. mano with the Big Boys at MIT ;)

You seem to be up against one nut you found on a math list somewhere. 
That don't pass as visionary credentials, in my book.


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