[Edu-sig] Off-topic query for rur-ple users

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 16:57:52 CET 2006

Please, accept my apologies to bring this slightly off-topic question.
 This is the only way I know to reach RUR-PLE users.

How important is it to have a browser included within rur-ple itself? 
Would there be any objections in eliminating the browser, and using
your favourite browser (firefox, etc.) to read the lessons in a
separate window?

You may want to send your reply directly to me (return address should
be part of the message; if not: andre dot roberge at gmail dot com) so
as to not "pollute" induly this list.


P.S.  Just a note about the fact that this is not *completely*
off-topic for this list:
the PLE in RUR-PLE stands for Python Learning Environment.  It is
designed for learning Python for people that don't know anything about
programming (hence the post to the python-tutor list).  It has been
used by some teachers in a classroom environment (hence the post to
the edu-sig list).  It has been very strongly inspired by Guido van
Robot (hence the post to the gvr-devel list) and has served as the
basis of the world-builder module now included with GvR.

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