[Edu-sig] Pre-announcement announcement

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Mon Jan 23 23:24:33 CET 2006

kirby urner wrote:

> Thanks Arthur.  I'll be taking a test drive soon and will provide some 
> feedback, probably on edu-sig.  More engaging feedback will likely 
> come from people who know projective geometry, its principal theorems, 
> a lot better than I do.  So don't hold your breath for my remarks to 
> be breathtaking in their insightfulness.  I doubt they will be.
> Kirby

Thanks for any effort you undertake.

And its not so much the substantive side of things I am asking about.  
PyGeo either will or will not hold its own on that score.

More concerned about the overall impression being made.

Is the web-site strong enough / appropriate to generate interest from 
folks (e.g. math educators) who have some focus on the subject matter 
related to PyGeo.

Is the install easy enough for someone not Python literate?

Are the examples illustrative of the functionality, enticing.

I guess all those questions are matters of degree.

And at this point I am mostly interested in any show stoppers you 
stumble on.



Amazing how much goes into the release of something like this.  To me, 
just getting a little sourceforge literate was a chore - SSH keys and such.

Kind of humbling, in that there is so much of this going on - who are 
these people that knock this stuff out?

OTOH, I would say that 98% of the potential audience for something like 
PyGeo is knocked out just by the fact it requires one to operate in an 
environment that is not primarily GUI based.  And for most people 
computing, and interacting with a GUI are synonymous - and as far as 
they think they should need to go.

Quite a divide.


> On 1/22/06, *Arthur* <ajsiegel at optonline.net 
> <mailto:ajsiegel at optonline.net>> wrote:
>     I will going out with the PyGeo1.0 alpha release within the next
>     few days.
>     There has been about as much attention to detail connecting to this
>     release as I am capable.
>     Tested on WindowsXP with Python2.4 and ubuntu Linux and Python2.3.
>     Nonetheless, there is the having left home and forgotten something
>     important, I'm not sure what, kind of feeling..
>     My intention is to promote PyGeo mostly outside the Python community.
>     And if I have any success it will be the first exposure by some
>     folks to
>     Python.
>     So it would nice if I got it nice.
>     The site is
>     http://pygeo.sourceforge.net <http://pygeo.sourceforge.net>
>     with downloads available on sourceforge.
>     My impression of how impressions are formed on projects such as
>     this is
>     on the weakest link in the chain
>     So frank feedback from anyone willing to take some time and have a
>     look
>     is appreciated.
>     Art
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