[Edu-sig] Starting Python

Dethe Elza delza at livingcode.org
Mon Jan 16 19:10:27 CET 2006

Games are often interesting projects.  Paul Prescod has an exercise  
he uses when teaching introductory Python which might be interesting:

1. Install Pygame[1] and the Solarwolf[2] game.
2. Play with it a bit
3. Open up the python files and explore: it's quite readable code
4. Make some changes which let you "cheat" give yourself powerups,  
make the enemies slower, etc.
5. Let you imagination go from there.
6. If you prefer puzzle games to action games, try this with  
Pathological[3] instead.


[1] http://www.pygame.org/
[2] http://www.pygame.org/shredwheat/solarwolf/
[3] http://pathological.sourceforge.net/

On 16-Jan-06, at 7:37 AM, Andrew Baisley wrote:

> I have just started a Python club after school, presently I have 15  
> members
> 14 - 17 yrs old.
> None of them has any programming experience.
> We have Python 2.4 installed on our network.
> I am looking for good ideas/resources to capture their imagination  
> and get
> them going.
> Any suggestions gratefully received.
> Yours,
> Andrew Baisley
> Haverstock School
> Camden
> London
> UK
> --
> Yours,
> Andrew Baisley
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