[Edu-sig] Python Powertoy ;)

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Sun Jan 15 19:35:35 CET 2006

The relevance is a little Microsoft bashing which I think is always 
useful in the context of education, and some "why learn to program" from 
a personal frame of reference.

The motive is really just some show-and-tell.

Trying to finalize a  website for a  PyGeo release I  had decided that  
I would rather show some sequences of Povray rendering of PyGeo 
animations as sequence of stills than as an animated gif.

Google on "html  slideshow"  and find that  a "HTML Slide Show Wizard" 
is among the  WindowsXP "powertoys" at


The wizard is just that - and  one lives with its output - backgrounds, 
arrow placements, etc..  And what it is doing is so simplistic that it 
is quite funny that it would be among the "powertoys".  But Microsoft 
counts on a certain kind of audience for its wizardry.

Attached is a small Python script with more functionality than the XP 

Sample of slideshow is at:


Whether the slideshow idea works for this purpose being another matter.


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