[Edu-sig] Textbooks

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 01:47:10 CET 2006

On 2/24/06, gerry_lowry{905~825'9582}abilityBusinessComputerServices
<gerry.lowry at abilitybusinesscomputerservices.com> wrote:
> You may want to teach J first, in addition, or instead.  http://www.jsoftware.com/
> Also FREE.    J is the creation of Turing Award winner Ken Iverson and his colleague Roger Hui.

Is it only me that finds this post "offensive".  This is a mailing
list about using Python in education.  The original poster asked for
resources to teach Python to teachers.  (Granted, I provided one
reference [out of 3] to GvR which is not *quite* Python ... but is
considered by many to be very close).


> regards,
> gerry
> "If your only tool is a hammer, all of your problems tend to look like nails".  (author unknown)

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