[Edu-sig] A case against GUIs in intro CS :-)

Toby Donaldson tjd at sfu.ca
Sat Jun 4 09:53:10 CEST 2005

On 6/3/05 2:50 PM, "Nicola Larosa" <nico at tekNico.net> wrote:

>> Event-driven programming is a narrow, over-emphasized slice of the
>> software experience,
> No, this is going too far. Event-driven, asynchronous programming is not
> limited to GUIs: it is instead a powerful, if a little invasive ;-) ,
> concurrency model. Anyone who "got" Twisted ( http://twistedmatrix.com/ )
> will never program the same way again. Drop those threads for good!

Another nice example of event-driven programming is parsing. Some (simple)
parsing problems can be nicely implemented in an object-oriented,
event-driven way. 

Dr. Toby Donaldson
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University

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