[Edu-sig] Teaching RSA with Python

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Feb 18 22:06:11 CET 2005

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Kirby Urner wrote:

> From time to time over the years, I've hit this list with my evolving
> understanding of RSA and how best to teach it -- RSA being a well-known
> algorithm for encrypting a message to Bob with Bob's public key, perhaps
> signing it with my own secret one, such that only Bob is able to decrypt
> my message, and, upon decrypting the appended sig with my public key,
> confirms it came from me.

Hi Kirby,

Awesome!  You might want to take a look at some similar work; the folks
who do SICP have as one of their first homework assignments an RSA
implementation project:


I think I have some of this implementation translated into Python on my
laptop; I'll try hunting for it when I get home.

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