[Edu-sig] 3d goggles -- any recommendations

Phillip Kent phillip.kent at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 01:54:50 CET 2005

Dear Hans,

to buy 3D materials in UK, have a look at: www.3dimages.co.uk (the owner, 
David Burder, is very nice and knows pretty much everything you could want 
to know about 3D imaging, but were afraid to ask ;-)).

- Phillip

At 18:13 09/02/2005, Hans Fangohr wrote:

>Hi Kirby,
>>On the low end, price-wise, I was able to snag a stack of red/blue stereo
>>glasses from a local 3D museum.  They're basically cardboard with cellophane
>>color filters, and I got mine for free.  I expect they'd typically go for
>>well under a euro in bulk.
>This is excellent (and if anyone can tell me where I can order such 
>glasses, please do! (Need them delivered to the United Kingdom)). I'd love 
>to use this, too -- seems ideal for presentations and lectures.

Dr Phillip Kent, London, UK
mathematics  education  technology  research
phillip.kent at gmail.com  mobile: 07950 952034
"Say it! No ideas but in things" 

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