[Edu-sig] Learn to Program in Ten Years

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Sun Dec 26 21:49:56 CET 2004

On Sun, 2004-12-26 at 09:43 -0800, Kirby Urner wrote:
> > Anybody see the Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets an intern?
> > 
> > Art
> > 

> Relation to Python?  Well, it's probably thanks to my being a programmer for
> well over 10 years now, that I've had so little time for television (true
> rumor:  he loved Sesame Street).r

Well then you may be proud to know that you are conversing with someone
whose brother-in-law was the hind-half of Snuffleupagus for a number of
years in its early days. I would go to the set to watch the proceedings

*Now* I am OT.

More On T.

An open question to me in making a commitment toward learning PyGTK was
its status with OpenGL and PyOpenGL.  Turns out the situation looks
quite good - in that the developer of gtkglext which is the most active,
I think, gtk Opengl extension is also himself the developer of its
Python binding PyGtkGLExt. I have it installed and working and it looks
quite nice.



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