[Edu-sig] editor for children

gen2n gen2n at seznam.cz
Tue Dec 14 12:59:05 CET 2004

>This looks to be a very capable, general purpose editor, and it's a great
>thing that it's a free download (but is the source available? -- I don't
>think so).
its a freeware, without possibility of getting the source I think.

>There's a Python plug-in for Eclipse that provides some call tips, i.e. a
>kind of intellisense providing cues.
>For example, if I type 
>import sys
>    ^
Thats very nice feature which is promised to us, users, for a quite long 
time. For now, there works CTRL+Pause where you are offered commands for 
the type of dokument you are edited currently. ie.. if you have HTML you 
get list of commands to HTML...

>For a long list of Python-compatible editors, check:
>http://www.python.org/moin/PythonEditors -- PSPad is not mentioned, and
>could be added (this is a Wiki, so if you register, you can do it).
Thanks for this tip
Pavel Kosina

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