[Edu-sig] Reuters.com -- College Science Classes Are a Bore

Dean Lake deanlake at fbeedle.com
Fri Apr 23 13:01:33 EDT 2004

The real problem is that no one wants to pay for the materials to make it 

At 09:03 AM 4/23/2004, Jason Cunliffe wrote:

>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - College science lectures are a big bore to students
>and need to be replaced with hands-on classes where they can actually learn
>better, a team of experts said on Thursday.
>"Revolutionary" courses that mimicked the way real scientists actually
>work -- by doing science instead of reading about it -- actually helped
>students learn and encouraged them to take more science classes, the experts
>Dr. Robert Beichner, a professor of physics at North Carolina State
>University, and colleagues said educators were still not aware that there
>are better ways to teach science...
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