[Edu-sig] If the PyPy Project gave you a implementation of Python in Python

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Sat Sep 13 17:18:06 EDT 2003

that was also a JIT runtime optimiser, and produced fast code, would
you teach with it?

One of the goals of the PyPy project is to produce something which 
is even better suited than CPython for teaching computer science
with.  We would be very interested in talking to people who would
like such a thing.  

See http://www.codespeak.net/moin/pypy/ for the PyPy project, and our
mailing lists.

I am trying to get the European Union to fund its development.
(I am answering IST-2002-   Open development platforms for 
software and services) for those of you who know such things.
For the curious, go http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/call_details.cfm?CALL_ID=74#
and click on 'Areas and Instruments' and find this one in the popup.

As part of writing the grant proposal, you have to answer the following

B.7.2 Are there other EC-policy related issues, and are they taken
into account? Demonstrate a readiness to engage with actors beyond the
research to help spread awareness and knowledge and to explore the
wider societal implications of the proposed work; if relevant set out
synergies with education at all levels.

(No recommended length ­ depends on the number of such other
 issues which the project involves).


which means I could talk about Python in education until the cows come
home, I guess, but I suspect that this would not be wise.  What would
be wise is to mention the existence of this mailing list, and the CP4E
project, to indicate that there are lots of syngeries with education
and Python.  Anything else you think I could say?  (I guess I could
say that I am now demonstrating a readiness to help spred awareness
and knowledge, but that seems a little self-referential to me :-) )

I also think that if any of you who live in Europe and teach students
at all levels sent me a statement of interest, it could only help me
get this funded.  You can say something really weaselly, like 'if this
project is successful I would consider evaluating PyPy for use in
teaching my classes' or something like that.  If any of you feel
like this, could you please drop me a line?

Oh -- yes -- we are developing under the MIT license, and of course
those of you who don't live in Europe are welcome, and we will make
PyPy for you as well.  If you can find any non-European money for
us, we will take that as well :-)  (had to ask).

Thank you all very much for your time,
Laura Creighton
(amazingly silly now after having been writing grant proposal for
over 12 hours straight.)

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