[Edu-sig] java

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Wed Oct 15 13:20:39 EDT 2003

I think there's a trend in many US colleges and universities towards using
dynamic languages for non-CS course, vs. the more static ones.  

Static languages require declaring variable types before use and are
generally a lot stricter, and therefore take somewhat longer to learn.

If I had to choose one over the other, I'd take Python over Java.  Students
would be more productive more quickly and it's easier to teach.

Static languages include:  Java, C, C++, C#, Pascal, ocaml
Dynamic languages include:  Python, Perl, Ruby, FoxPro

That being said, Java is a capable, contemporary language and the skills one
learns are transferable to other languages.

For more readings see:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: edu-sig-bounces+urnerk=qwest.net at python.org [mailto:edu-sig-
> bounces+urnerk=qwest.net at python.org] On Behalf Of Gerrit Holl
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:25 AM
> To: edu-sig at python.org
> Subject: [Edu-sig] java
> Hello,
> at least three universities in The Netherlands
> use Java to teach programming to non-CS-student.
> Is this bad?
> yours,
> Gerrit Holl.

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