[Edu-sig] java

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Wed Oct 15 12:26:29 EDT 2003

luby liao wrote:
> Gerrit, do you know what unviersities?  Are they important 
> universities?  What are their wisdom?  cheers, Luby

I am a physics student, and next year, I will be teached Java.
The same is true for (at least) Chemists and Elektrotechnicians.
I am at the University of Twente, and I know that the Vrije
Universititeit also teaches programming with Java. I'm not sure
whether the Universiteit van Amsterdam also uses Java to teach
physisians programming. In The Netherlands, there is not a big
difference between more and less important universities.

My father (Ruby'ist) doesn't understand why universities do so.
I think he is over-aggerating when he compares Java with Cobol,
both being used in companies a lot, but I do understand that
Java is lower-level so less useful in physics?


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and reared with his other children, then his adopted son may return to his
father's house.
          -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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