[Edu-sig] re: Interactive learning: Twenty years later

Arthur ajs@optonline.net
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 21:24:11 -0500

Gerrit wrote -

>Introducing myself:
>I am now, as you may have guessed, 17 years old, just finished my exams and
>having progress with my first real game (http://pybrian.sf.net/). I have
>a lot of programmers started with game(s) :)...

Sounds like we've been at Python for about the same amount of time.  And
with me, as it seems with you, coming to Python grew somehow from
experimenting in Linux.

I suspect I would have much to learn by reading your code,  I am
particularly intrigued by the fact that it is dependent on 2.3 features.  As
much as I kvetch (complain) about featurism, I do like to try to understand
them as they arrive.

Could you say a few more words about what in 2.3 you have explored and
utilized in your work, and why.

Seems to me this is a perfectly appropriate forum for such a discussion.
