[Edu-sig] Terminology question: just operator overriding?

Simon Burton simon@arrowtheory.com
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:57:21 +1000

On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:08:17 -0700
"Kirby Urner" <urnerk@qwest.net> wrote:

> When I think of operators, I think of binary and unary operators
> like * + / ** or ~ - but not of other syntax, like parentheses
> or square brackets, as in p() and p[].

Yes me too, until i needed to teach it.
I wanted to look at how python reads the code and makes a tree from that,
so we investigated operator precedence and if you look at the table these funky operators
are there aswell, although perhaps more intimately tied up with the parse tree than the usual infix guys.


Simon Burton, B.Sc.
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