[Edu-sig] Re: python in high school

Lee Harr missive@hotmail.com
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:17:59 +0000

I do not think an IDE is really the way to start people off programming,
but if you are running windows you may not have much choice.

I can't imagine teachers really want to start teaching programming
with graphical widgets like in vb. That said, I created a fairly complex
application using PythonCard over the past couple of weeks, and it
works pretty well. It is not an ide though.

One thing you might want to look at is QT Designer on Linux
or BSD. The ui files can be converted to python code automatically
(for py-qt) using pyuic. Again, it is not a complete python gui, but the
interface is very nice and the same ui code could be used from c++
also if that was of interest.

Another way to go would be to teach programming using python
to make games. I have a library of code built on pygame which makes
getting started with programming much simpler:


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