[Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems?

Ingo Linkweiler i.linkweiler@gmx.de
Thu, 30 May 2002 00:47:25 +0200


are you using python for teaching programing?

I am just writing a diploma paper about python and want to know your
experiences with python.

What do you like when teaching python?
For example:
- Easy readable syntax
- High Level language
- Lists, Tupels, Dictionaries included
- interpreter: Everything can be tested
- Many tools available

What are your problems with python? Are pupils/students having any
problems or often asked questions?
What do you dislike at python?

For example:
- When teaching C or Pascal, newbies do not know, where to set a ";" and

where not. Any similar problems with Python?
- Why must I set a ":" after "if" or "for" ?  " if x == y : "

I hope you have many suggestions.

