[Edu-sig] Re: Edu-sig digest, Vol 1 #494 - 7 msgs

Matthias Felleisen matthias@ccs.neu.edu
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 11:18:32 -0500 (EST)

  Not looking to knock DrScheme.  But my experience was
  my experience.  And hopefully I am not doing any harm
  by reporting my experience to Mathias.  I have never
  experienced DrScheme in the context of a formal curriculum.
  And since that is how it is intended to be used, Mathias should not
  be shocked that perhaps it does not work quite as well
  outside of that kind of setting.

No offense taken. I doesn't kill me if you guys don't understand the power
of DrScheme. 

Just take a look at make executable, formerly called make launcher. 
Edit your programs with Emacs. Vi, for heaven's sake. 

Or ignore DrScheme and its lessons. Fine, too. 

-- Matthias